Board of Directors
The Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Care Board of Directors are committed to ensuring our clients get the best health care possible, while incorporating both western and traditional medicine. They see the passion and commitment of our staff who care about and understand our community’s unique needs. Read on for personal quotes from each of our nine board members.

Steven Ninham, Chair
Oneida Nation General Manager at Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Green Bay
“I feel a sense of pride from all who work in the center and feel their dedication for our Mission of Wellness to the Native Community in the Milwaukee area. Our Health center is making a difference in not only our community, but throughout the Indian Health Services system as well as Urban Indian Health Clinics throughout our nation.”

Anne Egan-Waukau, Vice Chair
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Marketing & PR Consultant
“GLIIHC is more welcoming than a regular clinic setting. I can feel the warmth, love and care for patients when I walk through the door. It is an honor to serve on the board with my esteemed colleagues who truly care about the clinic and staff. Thank you to our staff who are dedicated to maintaining our quality health care standards.”

Jesse Waukau, Treasurer
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin; Senior Finance Manager - GE Healthcare

Siobhan Marks / Zeegwun Noodenense, Board Secretary
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa; Communications & Marketing Director - Indian Community School
Our urban Indian community deserves the best healthcare possible from people who really care about and understand our unique community’s needs — body, mind and spirit.

Mark G. Thiel, Board Member
Marquette University Archivist
As the board’s historical preservationist, I see the “big picture” of preserving GLIIHC’s ongoing legacy, from its Ignace family leadership to the support and dedication received from so many others.

Susan Davids, M.D. M.P.H., Board Member
Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians
GLIIHC staff approach health care in a multifaceted method from prevention of disease with our WOLFE program and exercise classes, to treatment of health issues in a comprehensive way from dental, medical, and behavioral health. Plus, the staff ncorporate both western and traditional medicine into treaments. GLIIHC really cares about each client and how we can help them achieve their best health.

Candice Zielinski, Board Member
Oneida Nation, Retired MATC Grant Manager
When I was first invited to the Red Shawl Gala I met Georgina Ignace. I was so impressed by this smart, beautiful Native woman that I begged her every time I saw her to give me a chance to work with her. She did. Since then, I have been fortunate to serve the Native American people for 15 years as a GLIIHC board member.

Lynelle Johns, Board Member
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Executive Assistant - Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin