Native Wellness Garden

Supporting the community to prevent and manage chronic disease through education and awareness while strengthening and restoring traditional practices of healthy living.

Native Wellness Garden

​The Native Wellness Garden (NWG) began in 2014 as a result of a partnership between the Gerald L Ignace Indian Health Center (GLIIHC) and UW- Extension. In 2024, the NWG produced and distributed to community members over 1,000 pounds of organic produce. To maintain the integrity of Native American organic agricultural practices, the NWG prohibits the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Come Check Out Our:

  • Donation and Community Gardener Beds
  • Three Sisters Garden
  • Medicine Wheel Garden
  • Pollinator Garden
  • Ceremony Circle
  • Victory Garden Fruity Nutty Orchard

The Native Wellness Garden Offers:

  • Free Raised Beds (interested? Contact us in the spring)
  • Spring Event: Bloom in June
  • Fall Event: Grateful Harvest Gathering
  • Cooking Demonstrations
  • Gardening and Composting Glasses
  • Workouts/Yoga in the Garden
  • Garden Club hours: Tuesdays 3:30-6pm, 2nd Saturday of every month 8am-11am
  • Events/Teachings in the Ceremony Circle

The Native Wellness Garden’s mission is to restore traditional practice of food as medicine by serving as a space for the urban Native American community to gather and learn together.

To learn more about the garden or to become involved please:

Contact Diana Osberg at, or call (414) 316-5018.


Please call (414) 383-9526 to schedule an appointment today.