Tips, Coping Skills & Strategies for Self Isolation
Tips, Coping Skills and Strategies for those struggling with Quarantine and Social Isolation from GLIIHC’s Department of Behavioral Health
Having to quarantine and socially distance ourselves from family, friends, social circles, and our treatment providers can feel very unsettling and trigger many uncomfortable feelings.
Mood states may decrease (depression) or become more activated (high anxiety or mania) by feeling that there is no control over life’s events at this time.
We encourage everyone to continue to work on their personal recovery goals during this time, while also trying to use a flexible coping mindset during this time of quarantine and social distancing.
Maybe part of your normal coping routine is hard to keep up with due to social distancing at this time. How can you alter that during the Coronavirus? Perhaps a COVID-19 Coping Routine is in order?
Anticipate how your stress reactions usually show up i.e. feelings of nervousness, feeling sad/lonely, feeling extra jumpy, or irritability to name a few.

“For our patients and clients please know that your providers here at GLIIHC are thinking of you. We have not forgotten about you in this time of distance. Please call GLIIHC before showing up if you are need of any kind of assistance at this time.”

Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center is working to keep our community healthy during this time and prevent the spread of infection while also offering options for easier access to care. If you have a standing appointment our staff will be reaching out to you. If you have a fever, cough or other respiratory symptoms, please call (414) 383-9526 prior to visiting GLIIHC for further guidance and information on screening.